Hi, my name is Maazur Rahman
Actively seeking for Software Engineering roles starting Jan'23.

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I’m currently a Graduate Student in Computer Science at the University of Illinois at Chicago. I'm a software engineer specializing in backend development, having work experience of over 3.5 years in building complex scalable applications. Always on the lookout to pick up and learn new skills. Currently upskilling in MERN stack.

These days I'm working on Java-Callgraph as my capstone project to wrap up my Master's degree, more information on the project below

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Static Call Graph Generator for Java Projects using Junit-Quickcheck and maven, Comparision of maximum theoretical code coverage achieved while executing the property tests to the actual code coverage obtained from Jacoco.


Lexer written from scratch which is capable of interpreting instructions such as first order function calls. Parses, executes custom language instructions in an in-order depth first traversal manner of parse tree.

In house Database

A web interface which replicates MySQL workbench, where user is able to enter multiple SQL queries and the list is then passed to the API of the backend server containing the SQL parser.

Java Parser

Parse through a target Java file to list out all class methods that can be invoked at any call site, with inheritance and dynamic dispatch taken into account. Inspect and modify all fields (including inherited) belonging to initialized objects, using Java reflection.
